
Everyone has ideas.


Streams of thoughts flow through the human mind every second. Experts say between 60,000-80,000 thoughts are streamed through the human mind daily. This means that you had between 2500-3000 thoughts pass through your mind within the last hour!

Just like clockwork, you need to be mentally-alert to great ideas when one crosses your mind.

Once you recognize one, pin it down in writing immediately. Don’t rely on your brain to help you remember – it has failed man more times than he can even remember!

Perhaps it sounds ridiculous or far-fetched, write it down anyways. I have a list of ideas I wrote in times past that looking at some of them now, I would wonder what I was thinking that made me have such ridiculous ideas. However, some have made me gold today.

God had an idea that might have sounded ridiculous back then, even to the angels: which might have made them jealous. He wanted to create man in His image and likeness. He got clay and molded a lifeless object. It wasn’t until He breathed into his nostrils that man received life!

Until you take the right, effective action, your ideas will be lifeless. Unless you take ruthless action with a brute level of consistency, your goals, however big, will be demoted to wishes.

If you have a long-term goal, consistency is key – you must be unapologetic about it. Whether or not you are in the mood, you must take action.

There are times I don’t feel like writing. There are even times I write and I’m not satisfied with my output; I post it anyways, because I must post a write-up at least once a week. I might make an error, but I must also make adjustments, which will make me a better person at what I do.

Listen, may be you are stuck in a rut and need to get out, write your goals down before taking any uninformed action. You must have a strong, cogent reason for having those goals. Let them inspire you to the point that you staying in a rut will not last beyond 5 minutes.


Maybe the very thing you need to do right now is take a break from your daily routine and do something unusual. Perhaps, if you step out of your Comfort zone, you will realize it wasn’t all that comfortable!

Your legs can only go as far as your eyes are willing to see. Open the eyes of your heart, dream big, dare your fears and where others see it as a limit, the sky will serve as your starting point!

Good morning, it’s raining at my end here.

It’s a beautiful Monday morning. Love what you do. If you don’t, it’s time to do so. If you can’t, change what you do. If you are afraid or you don’t know how, buzz me up, let’s talk.


Thank you, and have an awesome week ahead!


Class dismissed



Times have changed… times have changed… times have changed…

The above statement seems to be the slogan in vogue these days when people want to justify their actions with accompanying reasons. But why should I do certain things because the times have changed? Why should I do ‘so and so’ because it’s no longer in vogue?

True, times have changed, that’s why horses, camels and donkeys are not used as means of transport in the cities anymore.

Times have changed, that’s why I’m not living in a mud house with thatched a roof, like my ancient parents did.

There are other examples I can give, but I don’t want to delve too much into them. Apparently, strong advocates for the movement of the times that have changed want me to know the following because they are presently in vogue…

Times have changed, that’s why I should unapologetically sag my pants in public. Even ladies do these days!


Times have changed, that’s why I need to join the Tattoo, Pink lips and Body-piercing Association.

Times have changed, that’s why I must not verbally or physically correct my child when he goes wrong – it’s child abuse and it’ll lower his self-esteem and self-worth.

Times have changed, that’s why I shall remain an outcast as long as I don’t join the Junk food movement of burger, pizza and the likes.

Times have changed, that’s why I should be ashamed of myself  for getting surprised a woman wore what looked like a mini G-string when she came to drop her child off at school – most likely a Nursery and Primary school – with other children present (I saw a video of this on the internet)!

Times have changed, that’s why I should support the movement of equal rights for women, which includes walking bare-chested, exactly like their male counterparts, in public.

Times have changed; hence I should applaud the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Times have changed, that’s why I must have no problem with, and even support anyone that wants to do a sex change.

Times have changed, that’s why I must work tirelessly and neglect the attention I need to give my wife and children – afterall, it’s because of them I work hard so I can have enough money to give them the best lifestyle ever.

Times have changed, that’s why there’s nothing wrong with having one or more side chicks (whoever coined this term is a genius!) even when I’m in a functioning relationship with my wife or girlfriend.

Times have changed, that’s why I must not train my children in the way of the Lord God Almighty, so they do not to feel like social pariahs when with friends.

Times have changed, that’s why I shouldn’t teach my children how to do basic home chores like cleaning and washing (so as to teach them a few lessons on responsibility), because the maids and technology will do a better job.

Times have changed, that’s why the book titled ‘Respect for elders’ should be catalogued in the History section of Museums!

I can continue with this list, but I don’t want to bore you, for you already know them.

Let me state this: my Holy Bible made me understand that there’s actually nothing new under the sun – the rate at which people indulge in these acts only happens to be sky-rocketing at an alarming rate these days. Because of limited web time, I won’t go into details. However, I’ll pick one of the points above and dissect it further.

Nutritionists say ‘you are what you eat’. I agree with them. The human cells feed on the food being eaten by the human and utilize them in different ways in order to keep the various organs and systems properly functioning.

The human body falls sick because an organ or a system isn’t functioning properly, and this mostly happens because of lack of proper nutrition. It can also happen because of wrong nutrition – feeding the body with harmful stuff.

There has been an upward surge in cases of ‘modern-day’ diseases like Cancer, ADHD and internal organ failure. 2-3 decades ago, these ailments were only common in the western world while malaria and HIV were common in Africa.

Today, I’ve lost count of the number of cancer cases and deaths being announced in the media. What could be the cause of the upward surge? When I talk about what we eat, I tend to make more enemies than friends. When I advice people to cut down on their soft drinks and junk food, they label me ‘Old-school’.

An experiment was conducted sometime ago. A watermelon was cut and placed on a plate for 80 days. A burger was also placed on a plate under the same conditions. The watermelon decomposed, changed color, shape and size; the burger remained unchanged after 180 days!

Bacteria ‘ate’ the watermelon but not the burger. Even bacteria know that junk food is harmful!


Tip of the day: If it is Organic, bacteria will consume it. If bacteria don’t eat it, why    should you?

Good morning, it’s a beautiful Monday morning. Love what you do. If you don’t, it’s time to do so. If you can’t, change what you do. If you are afraid or you don’t know how, buzz me up.


I wish you the best of days ahead.

Have a great day, and indeed a most awesome week ahead!


  • Darren Hardy said

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

changing gear

Take note of this fact: to be crucified in ancient Rome, the cross you are to be crucified on must be at least twice your body weight. To be crucified, Jesus Christ had to drag a cross at least twice his body weight. Imagine lifting or dragging an object twice your body weight – with your imagination, try to experience the effort you’ll have to apply, considering your present body weight!

It isn’t something you might enjoy doing, but doubling your efforts is an act that will enable you to achieve your desired results.

Whatever your goals are, no matter how ridiculous you think they look or sound, write them down.

If written down, map out plans and strategies for Execution.

If mapped out, start the Execution process.

Make mistakes accidentally

Make Corrections intentionally

Consciously Improve on your Execution

Make more mistakes

Double your Efforts

Improve on your Execution

Make Adjustments where and when necessary

Consistently keep at your Execution


Repeat again.


Good morning, it’s a beautiful Monday morning. Love what you do. If you don’t, it’s time to do so. If you can’t, change what you do. If you are afraid or you don’t know how, buzz me up.monday

I wish you the best of days ahead.

Have a great day, and indeed a most awesome week ahead! Tip of the day



A man on a mountain-climbing expedition has a goal to reach a particular destination on that mountain – usually the apex, but he could also decide to stop at a particular mapped-out spot on that same mountain.

If he sets out on a wrong path, he might not get to his destination. He might arrive at a great stop quite alright, but that wouldn’t be his intended bus stop.

Unless he realizes his error, turns back, and doesn’t see it too wearisome to make some adjustments or start all over again, he might be dissatisfied with his result, seeing it as a performance of activity and not Optimal Productivity!

That you are in a wrong career path doesn’t mean you are not climbing the career ladder; you just are on the wrong ladder!

A 3d image of career ladder. Isolated on white.

That you are in a wrong relationship doesn’t mean the world will end if you break it off; you just have to do it right and summon the courage to start all over.

Easier said than done? Yes, you are right, but it is better done than stuck – in unending regret. Whatever you need to make structural adjustments to, there are certified experts around you who can help.

If you are looking for a way out of your Financial turmoil, you can contact me here. If you need ideas on home businesses you can do to supplement your present income, contact me here as well.


Maybe you are wondering why you are still jobless or stuck in a frustrating job, read my previous article here – it will explain all you need to know.

It’s a Monday morning and it’s a great day to be alive. Develop a love for what you do. If you can’t, change what you do!

Have a productive day and an awesome week ahead!

Tip of the day


Believe your BELIEFS and doubt your DOUBTS


Believe your BELIEFS and be willing to work them out.

Believe your BELIEFS and make the sacrifices required to bring them to fruition.

Believe your BELIEFS to the point that it becomes tangible even when you talk about it to other people.

DOUBTS doubt, and in the presence of a strong belief system, DOUBTS doubt their efficacy.

DOUBTS paralyze. There’s nothing as regrettable as allowing your doubts to render your vision and dreams immobile.

What the mind can conceive, that it can achieve. You only need to concoct the right ingredients together, and add the magic flavor of ‘Work Your Ass Off’ while stirring with the spoon of ‘Don’t Quit’!

If you keep at what you do long enough, you will achieve it.blocks

Don’t get me wrong – pushing on a door when it says ‘PULL’ will only give you trouble; you’ll waste your time, energy and you might eventually damage that door!

To bark up the wrong tree is useless and pointless. Same with leaning your ladder up against the wrong wall – it’s time and energy wasting.

Imagine going to college for 3-4 years studying Accountancy when your passion is in the Performing Arts. You’ll be a square peg in a round hole!

A square peg forced into a round hole. 3D render with HDRI lighting and raytraced textures.

There’s nothing wrong with earning a degree and even simultaneously pursuing your dreams, but if you do it because ‘that’s what my parents want’ or ‘that’s what’s going to pay my bills’, then you just might need a reorientation.

But what if my goals are time-framed and ‘time in my case is far spent? I want to be a Professional footballer, I’m 28 and I’ve never kicked a football in my life. How do I achieve this?’

Maybe hope is lost concerning that goal, maybe it isn’t. Besides who said you can’t build another vision centred on that goal? Who said you can’t be a Football agent, a coach or even own a football club?!

There’s a story told of Ruben Gonzalez. He had always wanted to be an Olympic athlete since third grade. However, it wasn’t until he saw Scott Hamilton compete in the 1984 Sarajevo Games that he actually made the decision to train for the Olympics.

He wanted a sport with so many broken bones that there would be a lot of quitters. He did his research and finally settled for the Luge.

When he called Lake Placid, home to the combined bobsled, luge and skeleton track, he was told that he was ‘way too old’.

Twenty-one? You are 10 years too late; forget it!

But Reuben didn’t forget. He engaged the man in the story of his life in order to buy some time. In the process he mentioned that he was from Argentina.

Argentina? Why didn’t you say so? If you’ll go for Argentina, we’ll help you.

Apparently the sport of Luge was in danger of being dropped from the Olympics because there weren’t enough countries competing at the International level.

If you’ll go for Argentina and somehow we can get you into the top 50 ranked Lugers in the world in 4 years, which is what you need to make it to the Olympics, it would add one more country to the sport of Luge, and that would make it a stronger sport. However, before you come all the way to Lake Placid, you have to know two things:

  • If you want to do it at your age, and you want to do it in only 4 years, it will be brutal. 9 out of every 10 guys quit.
  • Expect to break some bones.

Ruben Gonzalez

Reuben commenced his training alongside 14 other aspiring Olympians. First day was miserable; he thought of quitting. Through the help of a friend, he recommitted to his Olympic dream. He finished his summer training; the other 14 quit even before the end of the first season!

Four grueling years later, Reuben Gonzalez realized his dream when he walked into the opening ceremonies of the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. He returned in 1992 in Albertville, 2000 in Salt Lake City and 2010 in Vancouver.

Because of Persistent Action, Positive Mindset and a ‘Never-Quit’ Attitude, Robert Gonzalez will always be known as a 4-time Olympian!




Class dismissed



Loyalty is one of the sacrifices to be offered for Greatness. However, if you are going to be loyal to your future, you’ll have to choose the right future to be loyal to and forget the past.

It is unhealthy holding on to the past for reasons best known to you. It’s unwise to hold on to the past because it holds some ‘historical value’ for you.

Remaining friends with people that are heading in different directions as you can impede your progress in life, especially if you heed their invitation to join them in the ride.

Being in a career path that doesn’t excite you because it is your parents’ choice for you can make you miserable.

crossroads (1)

Attending a church which no longer adds value to you because ‘I was born in this church’ can stunt your spiritual growth.

Being in a relationship with a non-value-adding person because you are family friends or because you have a long-standing history together can ruin your destiny altogether!

Once something no longer adds value to you, it belongs to your past: let it go!

Don’t be loyal to your past; be loyal to what you can create in the future.

Let the future inspire and drive you to be the best version of yourself!

Everyone has a past in which they are not so proud of: be loyal to your future self and your future vision for your life instead!

If you have to make a tough call, cut the umbilical cord connecting you to your past beliefs and failures; you will keep getting negative nutrients from them.

It’s time to turn a new chapter.

Good morning and…oh yes…its FRIDAY!


Have a great weekend ahead!

Tip of the day


Man, Know Thyself

One of the most powerful statements ever uttered.

A sentence made of 3 short words, yet so powerful that it happens to be the true essence of Greatness.

Anyone that sets out to achieve a goal or objective must know himself well enough to believe  he can achieve it. Anyone on a journey of Greatness must trust himself enough that he will not quit, even when external forces around him are overwhelmingly throwing darts of negativity at him.

Man, Trust Thyself.

It’s one thing for people to trust you. However, if you do not trust yourself to deliver, the trust others place on you won’t matter much.

Self-trust isn’t only needed to guide you on your authentic path; it is needed to keep you there. When doubts spring up like a raging storm, self-trust will be needed to put calm to it.

Self-trust will fortify against any form of morbidity that tends to arise in the pursuit of your goals.

It is needed when others think you are ‘crazy’ for wanting the choices you go for or for doing the things that you do. When you need to make tough choices, self-trust will ensure that you don’t waiver in your convictions.



Don’t get me wrong, trust in self cannot take the place of faith in God. In my opinion, self-trust without having a strong faith in God Almighty is tantamount to pride, and I’m glad to let you know that pride ALWAYS goes before a fall!

Get your Convictions right. Change lanes from Negative to Positive in your mindset. Go for Greatness!

Good morning, have a lovely day!

Tip of the day


Do not rest on your oars.


It was Bill Gates who said that:

‘Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.’

Don’t take a break. Don’t achieve a little success and then decide to relax and take a back seat. There’s a temptation to sit back that comes when we lose a little weight after working out in the gym for a couple of weeks, to stop grinding when we reach a milestone in our Financial goal ($100k for example), or to stop actively showing we care to our significant other after winning their love. If you do this, you go in a backward slide and you might keep going till you are not able to recover.

The solution is to keep pushing yourself even when you don’t feel like it.

The solution is to pick up your pen and start writing even when you have nothing to write.

The solution is to pick that guitar and start playing even when you are not in the mood to practice.


The solution is to pick up that book to read even though you are fagged out and feeling a tad sleepy.

The solution is to get up in front of those people and speak in order to gain confidence at Public Speaking even when you have no idea of what to say

The solution is to keep pushing yourself running on the treadmill even when you don’t feel like it.

Women on treadmill

Will you embarrass yourself? Yes, a couple of times. Maybe more than a couple of times. You’ll flop, commit an error or totally forget your lines when on that drama stage, but you will get better with time.

The solution is to keep taking action and don’t quit even in the midst of overwhelming discouragement and fear. Trust me, you will thank me later when you do.

It’s Monday, don’t fret; develop a love for what you do.

Good morning and have a great and awesome week ahead!

Tip of the day


One Universe made up of all that is: and one God in it all, and one principle of being, and one law, the reason shared by all thinking creatures, and one truth.

-Marcus Aurelius



When the windows of Heaven open, rain falls. Rain kills drought; it eliminates heat. It brings about a soothing relief to both plants and animals.

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 03:  A woman experiences the 'Rain Room' art installation by 'Random International' in The Curve at the Barbican Centre on October 3, 2012 in London, England. The 'Rain Room' is a 100 square meter field of falling water which visitors are invited to walk into with sensors detecting where the visitor are standing. The installation opens to the public on October 4, 2012 and runs until March 3, 2013.  (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)

But scientifically speaking, there is no such thing as rain in the atmosphere. What becomes rain by condensation is what evaporates from the earth surface. What the Earth gives up to the sky is what returns back to it!

The rain that falls in an area is an accumulation of water that evaporated into the sky from different areas. The winds gather them together in one place, and when the sky cannot hold them much longer, they fall back to the earth.

For example, the rain that falls at Ikeja is an accumulation of what evaporated in Oshodi, Mushin, Gbagada and maybe even Lekki.

So for Ikeja to receive, it must give. For Addis Ababa to receive, it must give. For Albany to receive, it must give. For Adelaide to receive, it must give. For me to receive, I must give!

It’s high time we stopped praying for the windows of Heaven to pour down blessings for you if you are neither prepared nor willing to give. The irony of being tight-fisted is that your hands remain closed even when favor comes knocking on your door bearing gifts.


You become ‘immune’ to receiving when your hands are closed. I heard a story which amused me some time ago. A pastor in a church wanted to pray for a particular set of people. He asked those that would like to get married but have no partner to stand. There was a massive response. He then told those without a source of income to sit!

They wanted something but had nothing to give! Inasmuch as money isn’t everything in a relationship, it is a core subject that must not be ignored. You can put the cart before the horse, but should you? You can’t build a house by starting from the roof. You can’t drive a car without fuel that’ll power it up. You can’t receive without giving: it is a Kingdom principle. It is the law of Seedtime and Harvest (Gen 8:22). That means I’m open if you would like to give me anything especially money…lol.

seedtime and harvest

Just like the law of Gravity, you cannot repeal the law of Seedtime and Harvest. You can only align yourself with it so it works in your favor. Thank God for aircrafts, they prove that laws can be ‘seduced’ to work in our favor.




Class dismissed